Hello, Internet! | An Introductory Post

July 1, 2015

Hi! Hello! Greetings!

This...is my first blog post! Yay! *cue the confetti* 

After months of trying to think of a blog name and choosing the platform and customizing the blog, I'm so happy to finally start blogging. 

As this is my first post, it would be fitting to talk about the contents of this blog. Generally, I feel like this is leaning towards a lifestyle blog. But I don't really have a life, so...that'd be a problem. I'd love to blog about DIY projects (from home decor to clothes), cooking, maybe some beauty, maybe some hair and fashion. Even some of my adventures with lots and lots of pictures! Anything that comes up in my life that I'd like to make or share, it'll be here!

A Little Bit About me...
  • My name is Trang. Trang Van. *007 music*
  • I am born and raised in California.
  • I've always loved crafting, making things myself. It also means that I never buy anything because I think I can make it, but then, I never get around to making it.
  • Being able to travel would be amazing, but the internet awaits. When I do travel, I'll take about 200 pictures in 3 hours.
  • As girly as I can get,  I'm also very, very, geeky. Doctor Who, Merlin, Sherlock are among my favorites. I'm slowly getting through more TV series. Very unhealthy, oh well! And Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter...I can go on for ages.
Alrighty, that's really about it for now. 
You follow can my blog with Bloglovin'!

«Until next time! x»

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